Saturday, June 14, 2008


 Seasons God gives when some of you say" Everything happens in life for a reason?" Sort of like that. I believe people come in and out of your life for seasons.Picture yourself as a tree and the leaves that do not fall are attached to your roots and stay in your life no matter what kind of weather you may be having, they are fruitful and strong. Then there are those that blow away for a little while but return every now for the season you expect them in, always welcome, with comfort and shade . Then , there are the seasons that are not as lasting and they are better for your life that way, they come in and out just not so often- they bring on a different purpose in life and no matter what you do or say to enrich there life, they serve there purpose and then they are on there way. Then as we all know, there are those that you see coming with an illness you can not allow to harm or damage your roots and it is just better to not fool with them personally, you can always do what you do best -Pray for them even if they don't believe and go about your everyday life...I could go on and on but if you want to have Peace and Happiness in your Life- Become a tree, LOL! I will post things on here that may not agree with the worlds way of thinking but if you don't care for the message, hang on for the Laugh! I come from a long line of Beautiful Southern Woman and I get it honest! We raise our babies to give respect and receive respect. Take your time and find the love of your life, he is going to be there in the end anyway, its ALL part of Gods Grand plans for you and believe me ladies, you will know when he is the right one.

Slow down! Life will have a few bumps in the road or maybe even a dead squirrel, but not all of them were meant to walk a tight rope!

You are never too old to dance in the rain! Let loose and live free even when the weather man says stay inside.

Enjoy the gift of a child- they will keep you young only if you take the time to walk in there foot steps!

I guess this is enough to shock you with! Take it from me...enjoy every-single-Beautiful Day!

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